

Synagonism-mw is a MediaWiki-Skin that greatly improves page-READING by moving the table-of-contents on the left and showing the position the reader is reading!


Synagonism is a modification of the vector-skin (the wikipedia's defalult skin) with these extra attributes:

  1. The left sidebar now is a drop-down menu, always visible.
  2. The logo, the portlets personal and search and the title of the page are always visible.
  3. The table-of-contents (toc) moved on the left in a splittable-pane, always visible.
  4. The toc is an expandable tree.
  5. There is two-way communication between the toc and the articles.
    - By clicking on the toc, goes to that heading and the user can copy the address of any section of an article.
    - By clicking on a section of an article, in the toc is highlited this section and its parents are only expanded, giving to the reader the big picture of the position s|he is reading. Thus improves the readability of big articles.
  6. If there is no toc in a page (eg less than 3 headings), the toc automatically closes and leaves all the space for the article.
  7. Splitbar has a button that closes|opens the toc with one click.


On 2011.12.15 I commited the code to subversion. You can get it at:
Help on subversion, version control program.

You can download the version tested for MediaWiki 1.18.0 which works and for the "trunk" version, from SourceForge.


Unzip in a clean directory and move the files to your MediaWiki installation.
If the files /resources/Resources.php and /skins/common/commonPrint.css in you installation are already modified, then search for "synagonism" in my files and copy only the appropriate lines.


Mail: kaseluris.nikos [at] gmail dot com




The name of the skin derived from my motto:

Synagonism = ALL winners, Antagonism = ONE winner.